10月19日,是我们家的小男孩出生的日子,也是这个 App 第一次进行内测的日子。


这就是 App 图标设计的来源:一颗拟人化的可爱小树形象。当然,你也可以在设置页面切换 App 图标,包含了小树的各种姿态:走路,跳跃,打招呼,还有一版温馨的“三口之家”。同时当前的图标并不是全部,会随着版本持续更新,敬请期待。

也因为小树可爱的形象,App 的整体风格在简单干净的同时结合了圆润的元素表达,比如较大的圆角,某些主要按钮的圆体的字形(英文)。在色彩上也选用了了较清新的颜色作为卡片的背景,或是结合形成朦胧的背景渐变以营造页面的氛围感。

除上述的元素设计,为了能让 App 在操作感受上尽可能的简单直观,我使用了较多不同屏幕占比的 sheet 来承载页面,以营造一种无层级感。比如,对添加植物、日历和设置这些内容较多的页面使用了占据视图最多的 sheet,而对于养护动作面板则使用了半屏的 sheet。无需经历视图的切换,你就可以触达几乎所有的功能,而你的植物一直在你的视线里,从未远离。


对了,在 App 的启动页和小组件中,你还能看到一句短诗:



On October 19th, it was both the birthday of our little boy and the first day of internal testing for this App.

The nickname my wife and I gave our son is "Little Tree". We chose this name not with the expectation that he must grow into a "towering tree", but simply hoping that he would grow slowly like a little tree, simple yet full of vitality.

This is the inspiration for the App icon design: an anthropomorphized cute little tree image. Of course, you can also switch the App icon in the settings page, which includes various poses of the little tree: walking, jumping, waving, and even a heartwarming "family of three" version. The current icons are not all; they will continue to be updated with new versions, so stay tuned.

Due to the cute image of Little Tree, the overall style of the App combines simplicity and cleanliness with rounded elements, such as larger rounded corners and circular typefaces for some main buttons (in English). In terms of color, fresh hues were chosen for the card backgrounds, or combined to create soft background gradients to evoke a sense of atmosphere on the pages.

In addition to the above element design, to make the App's operation as simple and intuitive as possible, I used multiple sheets with different screen proportions to host pages, creating a sense of no hierarchy. For example, for pages with more content like adding plants, calendar, and settings, I used sheets that occupy most of the view, while for the care action panel, I used a half-screen sheet. Without going through view switches, you can access almost all functions, and your plants are always in your sight, never far away.

This is the complete design concept of the current version. Actually, it's not so much a concept as it is a story.

By the way, on the App's launch page and widgets, you can see a short poem:

On the App's launch page and widget, you can see a short poem:

A solid start, gradual growth, and the steady pursuit of progress.