Treer 是一款以“陪伴”为主题的应用。
若你在现实生活中有植物作伴,想记录哪天浇了水,哪天施了肥,还希望它们能在你离开家的时候依然在手机中陪伴着你,那么 Treer 应该能满足你的需求。
所有的养护记录都会呈现在日历视图中,并长久储存在你的 iCloud 中,方便你随时翻阅和查看。
除了记录养护活动,Treer 在将在未来提供一些有趣的功能来增强你与植物的互动体验。例如,你将会在记录养护的同时看到有趣的动画;另外,你还将能够和你的植物进行对话,让植物“自己”为你提供适时的养护建议和小贴士,帮助你更好地照顾你的绿色伙伴。
Treer is an application centered around the theme of "companionship".
If you have plants as companions in real life and want to record when you watered them, when you fertilized them, and hope that they can still accompany you on your phone when you're away from home, then Treer should be able to meet your needs.
Simply put, if you're like me and growing a pothos plant, and also happen to be like me, often forgetting when you last watered it, you can make a very simple record each time you water (including fertilizing, pruning, and loosening the soil).
All care records will be presented in a calendar view and stored long-term in your iCloud, allowing you to browse and view them at any time.
In addition to recording care activities, Treer will provide some interesting features in the future to enhance your interaction experience with plants. For example, you will see interesting animations while recording care activities; additionally, you will be able to have conversations with your plants, allowing the plants to "provide" timely care advice and tips to help you better care for your green companions.